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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trevor the Dog

I am embarrassed to say this story, published in the National Post, is true.

Yukon dog still put down after $45,000 court case spared him from euthanization

Mar 29, 2012 – 10:11 AM ET | Last Updated: Mar 29, 2012 10:13 AM ET

Trevor, a dangerous dog that was at the centre of a $45,000 court case to spare him from euthanization, has been euthanized anyway due to a terminal illness. Trevor, a Rottweiler-German Shepherd cross, was discovered by bylaw officials in a Whitehorse, Yukon in 2009. Found badly-neglected and with a chain grown into his neck, the dog was seized and turned over to a local non-profit animal shelter, who then adopted out the dog.

Within weeks, however, the new owner turned Trevor over to city authorities to be destroyed, saying he had bitten three people. Seized by the dog’s plight, local activists then staged a massive media and legal campaign for Trevor’s release, which they ultimately secured in November, 2010. As local commentators noted at the time, however, during the fight to free Trevor at least a dozen other dogs were euthanized by the city due to space concerns.

Last weekend, Trevor was euthanized due to a terminal illness, announced Shelley Cuthbert, president of Humane Society Yukon, in a Wednesday press conference. The details of the illness were not released “out of courtesy and respect for his caregivers,” Ms. Cuthbert told the Yukon News.

To top the cake, the activists who started this legal proceeding, wouldn't take the dog themselves!


Anonymous said...

Whoever you are you are, you are certainly a fool if not a bloody liar as well. The court restrictions were so onerous that it made it impossible for anybody to take him. Idiots like yourself in the Yukon lived in terror of Trevor being homed anywhere near them. Many of the activists already have their quota or more than their quota of rescued animals/ pets. One good thing, Trevor is finally out of that backwards shithole for animals known as the Yukon!

Shaun said...

Previous comment from Anonymous........

Keep hiding behind your keyboard you fucking idiot. It takes a really big person to post a comment like this and then click the Anonymous button. Where did you find the statistic that the activists had there quota of rescued animals or pets? I haven't been able to find that info anywhere. Your uneducated and misinformed perception of what the real story makes you a laughing stock and makes us 'idiots' in the 'backwards shithole' glad that you are nowhere close to our homes. You were right about one good thing, Trevor is dead!

Good luck in life you loser, your gonna need if you think its OK to spend $45,000 every time a dog needs to be put down.
