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Friday, January 20, 2017

The President

As this blog is kind of my diary and as I am printing this blog in books for generations to come to read, I want to make it clear that I am NOT the type of person who supports a man like the 45th President of the United States, and I cannot understand the minds of the millions of people who did support him to the extent that he rose through the ranks and became the top person in the 2016 elections.  

He is rude, crass, a racist, a liar, a narcissist, an egomaniac, a pompous billionaire who has never participated in politics in his life and now has the ability to push that atomic button should someone make him mad.  And if you do not agree with him he calls you down and calls you names as he has done to the Press, Saturday Night Live (oh yeah, did I mention no sense of humour?), and even his wife Melania's dress designers who refused to design for her.   Someone who puts down Mexicans, Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims to name a few, not counting the press, freedom of speech,  the disabled and smeared a dead soldier's parents and I could go on.  In his inaugural speech he put down all the work of the presidents before him while promising to END welfare and END Isis.  He won the election but lost the popular vote.  

There are a lot of demonstrations taking place this weekend against his presidency and if I was an American, I would be joining them.

Addition to the above - and this is all I am going to say on the subject:
January 21st one day after Trump's Inauguration
"Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Washington on Saturday and at coordinated protests against Trump’s presidency in New York, Chicago, Boston and other U.S. cities and towns, as well as in Paris, Berlin, Ottawa and other international locations. The crowds choked subway trains in Washington, where the transit authority reported more than 1 million riders, eclipsing that of the inauguration."  

This is unprecedented.  And this is how the President responded (via Tweet):
“Watched protests yesterday but was under impression that we just had an election! Why didn’t these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly,”

And his main concern on Saturday was that the press "lied" about the number of people that attended his inauguration.  He even had his press secretary read from a script which mentioned a number of blatant lies regarding attendance at his inauguration, a subject that no one really cared about until he brought it to our attention.  

And so it begins.

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