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Monday, July 04, 2011

Heading to Skagway

Stopped in Carcross as we made our way to Skagway today. Lots of construction going on in this small town. Almost didn't recognize it. Above Kristin is standing on the new viewing deck at Bennett Lake. The roads are being re-routed and paved, there is a new Visitors Centre as well as a Tutshi Paddlewheeler structure (in remembrance of the boat that once was).

Loved this sign in Matthew Watson's General Store. We don't mince our words here in the Yukon!

Got to the US Customs and was surprised to see all those cameras mounted. Back in the old days, we would just breeze through saying we were from Whitehorse and perhaps, in the rare occasion, flashing our driver's licence. Now there are cameras galore taking your photo as you pass through customs. My my my, times have changed.

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