Local Weather

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Alaska Highway - Day 2

The weather forecast for day two of my travels was thunder storms all day. So when I awoke at 5 AM and looked out the window, I saw an overcast sky but no rain - and the oversized loaded vehicles parked outside just starting to wake up. I was on the road within the hour. It was not long before I drove into the rain. The road north of Fort Nelson climbs quickly. You are soon at the top of a mountain. And with rain that means fog. And very dense fog it was. Luckily it lasted about 10 minutes. Then it was just rain, rain, rain, rain. The beauty of the land is diminished in this weather. I was glad I didn't have a first-time highway traveller with me. It would have been disappointing to them. Above is a photo of beautiful Muncho Lake. Travelling along this lake is a highlight for me. The road hugs the glacial waters for kilometers, reflecting the mountains and sky. As you can see, it was not so impressive on this day.

Saw a lot of motorcyclists. Felt sorry for them travelling in this weather. Also saw a lot - and I mean a lot - of bicyclists. I felt more sorry for them as not only are they pedaling the mountain roads, usually along the white line (as the shoulder of the road - if there even is a shoulder - is usually gravel), but they are being passed by semi's like the one above that spits up gravel and water galore.
I had about nine hours of rain. I thought of Noah and wondered if anyone has recently been commissioned to build an arc.

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