Local Weather

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Day of September

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go ... once again - for a month only this time. In the meantime winter is approaching quickly. Nights usually below 0 degrees C. now, mornings I need headlights to drive to work and if I'm out past 7 PM need them to drive home (no lights needed in the summer!!!) The mountain tops are capped white and I'm sure by next week, so will the ground be white. Time to get the car tuned up for winter and the snow tires on.

The 2nd performance of the Art Series was last night with Mike Daisy - a monologist. He told a story for 1-1/2 hours. Luckily he is a good story-teller. He is also performing at the Arts Centre tonight, but I think one night of Mike is sufficient.

Also saw the new Matt Daemon movie Informant. I liked it and thought he was perfect for the part, but just sat with someone last night who didn't like it at all and walked out after an hour. Different strokes I guess.

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