Local Weather

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Garbage Truck Santa

As mentioned in my blog below, here are two photos of the Santa Garbage truck that lights up our streets every winter. Wayne Henderson actually used to pick up garbage in his decorated truck but now the city has allowed him time to drive to schools, old age homes, etc to bring a little Christmas cheer into our lives. It is fun seeing it driving around, especially at this time of year when it is dark most of the time. If you want to learn more about him here is a little video story that CBC did on him: click here
P.S. He is also one of the workers that helped dig that huge hole at the end of my driveway this past summer. He's everywhere, just like the real Santa!


Anonymous said...

Yep - Wayne Henderson would be one of my main peeps if I was up in Whitehorse - Oh my goodness on another note - We just got hit with what the papers are calling - STORMAGEDON - And more to come on Sunday and Wednesday - Yipppeeee - I did not put on LET IT SNOW on my blog for nothing - Interesting that the STORM would come while people are leaving to get to their various destinations for Christmas 2008 - ALL ON HOLD NOW. - This snow is wet and cold - I went into the local grocery store for just 20 minutes and had an ice slick that took 10 minutes to defrost within and scrape without but Carol OH MY GOODNESS - you should hear the tunes they put on the media in TDOT for STORMAGEDON - It would make you laugh - Everything in the CITY is so exaggerated. Like we didnt have these storms when we were kids and just got on with it. The media is such a trip these days they are worthy at least in the city to IGNORE.

Anonymous said...

By the way when I click on your blog there is a 3 second tune - it may be coming from the Santa garbage truck - Actually, the beginning of it sounds like Jamaica sounds but as I think about it it is a song by John Lennon - Beautiful Boy - I will send to your email - Go into your blog and hear this 3 second tune. I think prophetically this 3 second song is for Shaun - I will find the utube to send you and then go into your blog to hear the beginning rendition that comes up for 3 seconds.

Anonymous said...

.........and by the way John and Yokos sons name is Sean - GET WISDOM - I will keep Shaun in my heart this Christmas. Love you.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Only in the north, would someone think to do this! Very unique. Yeah what is with the music? AB FOLK.