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Thursday, December 10, 2009

I may be Christmassed out by Dec 25th. Had our Christmas gift exchange today with my old neighbour Helen. Dianna (her daughter) was in town from Cabo San Lucas so we had a grand chat around cups of coffee and freshly baked goods. The funny thing is that Helen & I gave each other the same gift! They are locally made beautiful glass necklaces...great minds think alike!

This gift was given to me from one of my golfing partners. The tag reads "would you like to extend your Canadian golfing experience? These fur lined golf tees are the perfect gift for the truly dedicated golfer." Considering we HAVE golfed in the snow, it may come in handy.

I miss the drive from my old house into/out of, town. Stopped to snap this pic of the Alaska Highway with the trees frosted and the mountains against the sky. The cold weather is coming our way - should be -30 or lower by the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sure are having a fun time this year with Christmas. I think it is great to stretch it out. Walter is coming here tomorrow night to show us his new car and will be sleeping over. I am making a new recipe - Mamma Mia speghetti which I got off the web - Crockpot. Will be getting up tomorrow early to put the crockpot on and go for a quick coffee to my coffee spot and then come home to make Christmas cookies. I have a new one for you - Take your fav pastry and take a small cookie cutter and cut out a shape - bell, star etc and add a dolop of Mincemeat and then top with the same and bake for only around 10 minutes (best if you have a stone bake sheet). Are you making more cookies this year - Loved the pics of those last year. We will probably phone you tomorrow night. Have fun bud! MJT