Local Weather

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunny Saturday

Hot, sunny, yeah.  This is what we've been waiting for.  Met the crew down at Rotary Park to play in the water park this afternoon.  (No photos in the water park as I had one wee one and was concentrating on babies, and dodging cold water that was squirting in all directions)  We had fun and the kids loved watching the older kids play in the water.

Then it was time to dry off in the sun and have a snack.  As soon as you said "eat" that is all those two little ones could think about.  No more smiles, only a desire for immediate feeding.  (I think Brooke will be mad at me for including this photo, but it makes me smile).

On the blanket with an offering of food, they were happy once again.  Look at that beautiful sky!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love seeing all of the images of the kiddos on your blog. - mjt