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Friday, August 28, 2015

OH NO ... more baby pictures!!!!!

Since it's a high of 7 today and raining I decided to post a few pictures.  I was advised that it is OK to be a proud Meemaw so here goes.

Guess who's walking????  I just knew she would be the first to walk.  She has wanted to be upright for at least a month now.

And it won't be long before he joins her.  He almost walked to me on Wednesday but thought better of it at the last moment.  He is inquisitive.  He always has his eye on something (he can't have).

And sometimes, he is just a little angel.

Smoothie time, just before a nap.

And you can see who needs a nap sooner than later.  Here he is waiting for his smoothie to come, which apparently is not coming soon enough.  Reminds me of the new word just entering the dictionary today: Hangry:  a blend of hungry and angry, meaning bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy times coming with them walking for sure - Love the new images - mjt