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Friday, January 02, 2009

What ????.... they are the same!! My co-worker & I have the same first name, work in the same office, both have a bit of gypsy in us and wear the same clothes!! We were meant to meet!

Well the new year is upon us now. !!!Happy 2009!!! And we are once again in a deep freeze - I mean weather wise, not economy wise... or do I? Minus 34 at my house, minus 39 downtown, so I am hunkering down and thought a coffee, computer, and Quartetto Gelato sounds a whole lot better than venturing outside if I don't have to.

Here's to 2009, may it bring you health and happiness. Cheers!


Joe said...

Happy New Year !!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but can you brush your teeth at the same time LOL! - MJT - Josh would like Caleb to visit TDOT.