Local Weather

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny visited my neighbour's house, as you can see from the faces of Brenna and Cora. They were full of vim and vigour during my visit (possibly a result of all the chocolate the bunny brought). They also rescued a spider, kindly bringing it into the house from the snow outside.
The Bunny did come to my house as well, but only left a present for SR. I guess you have to be good not only for Santa ... something to keep in mind for next Easter.

Yes, spring is here, as you can tell by the melting snow in the above photo. My friend is tall, but the snow is taller! I think the Copper Ridge and Granger area of Whitehorse has it's own micro- climate as it gets more snow that any other part of the city...but it is melting, if only slowly. By the way, Happy Birthday Debbie!

My deck is now visible. It will be a while though before I can plant flowers in my planter! I'm hoping the snow melts by August for cousin Joe's visit.
Happy Easter everyone!

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