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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 11, 2018

Another weekend at Gramma's.  I rented The Gruffalo for them to watch.  They told me that they had "read the book" and were excited to see what the movie was like.  They both crawled into the same chair, side by side, blanket and all and settled in to watch the movie.  It WAS good although Alanna thought there were a few scary parts and had to cover her eyes with the blanket. And there were a few parts that were different than the book, I was told.

Saturday morning I went to a few garage sales and picked up these costumes -- a witch for Alanna, but she wanted to be called a princess as it was very full and meshy, and Spider Man for Emerson.  They both tried on the clothes as soon as they were in the house and didn't take them off until park time in the evening. They were the most colourful people about town that day.

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