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Friday, November 07, 2014

Our food store

Not to dwell on this subject, but we have two large grocery stores and 3 small, almost boutique ones (that of course is not counting Riverside Groceries, the tiniest shop that sells almost anything you could possible want - can't find it in any other store, go to Riverside and there it is!!!!).  Now that one of the two large stores is closed, you would think that the only remaining large store would realize this fact and order more food.  Nope.  So they just keep running out of the most popular foods and apparently that is OK.  I had to return the President's Choice Organic Brown Rice that I purchased the other day (it was the only brown rice available that day).  I cooked it up and found that it have lots and lots of husk and some kind of black hard rice that almost breaks your teeth if you bite down on it unsuspectingly.  As I was in the grocery store and as I have been complaining about our choices, I thought I would walk through and take some photos to show that our shelves ARE about 1/3 empty.  So there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yukon Babushka Bud - just like Russia Ruskies - don't vury, vill lose veight and look like svelte beauty - City Babushka Bud - sending big hug that squishes.