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Monday, June 04, 2012

Movie Review

Snow White and the Huntsman

There have been so many excellent movies out lately.  Snow White and the Huntsman is one of them.  NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN.  In fact, I may have a nightmare or two tonight.  The movie stays along the Snow White story you heard as a child but this one is made for adults.  I jumped twice - once I had to duck a punch - and this was in a 2D theatre.  I have to say that our theatre has been up-graded.  In the past I missed a lot of the conversations in the movies.  I thought it was because I was "aging".  Well, the theatre finally upgraded their sound system and for the first time in years I heard all the conversations (except for a bit of the dwarfs).  Now they just have to make the seats more comfortable and unstick the floor.  But, back to the movie ... the acting was excellent and there was a twist or two to keep you on your toes.  I highly recommend this film and give it 5 Stars!

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