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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Now. this picture was not easy to do with only my left hand - actually nothing is easy to do with only one hand, especially my left. Had my carpal tunnel operation today. It went well as did driving home with my hand in a sling. I have been busy preparing for this. My yard is in order, seeds and transplants all in, yard cleaned, grass mowed, car washed inside and out, house cleaned... Now all I have to do is wait for my surgery to heal and watch the soccer World Cup and of course, watch hockey. Edmonton just won in overtime tonight, so there will be at least one more game. Just heard from Heather tonight via email. She and Len will be here from Ontario on the 21st - the longest day. The weather has been hot, hot, hot. Real summer weather, so I hope it lasts a bit. This is very hard to do with one hand, so I will sign off for now.


Anonymous said...

Hope your visit with Heather is great - post some pics along the way so I can pretend I am there.

Anonymous said...

I'm home from my fabulous Carolina trip and I'm glad to see that you're healing well and ready to entertain. Happy World Cup!

Anonymous said...

Posted Sunday, July 2, 2006 - Wow - whats with all the casts - You and then Dorothy Chambers son in Victoria broke something and is in a cast and then yesterday Adam came home after playing soccer (just had to get out there after Portugal beat England) and now has to get a walking cast put on tomorrow morning ----On another note - WCS is now down to a quorum - who are u pitching for - Portugal, France, Germany or Italy - I think I will cheer for Portugal. Also, the art book is rather slow - too much gardening to do but I am now at the creative end of outside and will do the book next week. MJT