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Monday, April 10, 2006

Just a sign-in before I sign-out. Next week at this time I will be climbing to the top of the Acropolis in sunny (I hope) Greece. Should the Greek (and in the last 2 weeks Italian) gods be with me I will blog from Europe, but no promises.
Spring is here although it is the most frustrating time of year. I look out the window at the beautiful sunny day, then go outside to a brisk cool wind necessitating a winter coat and gloves. The snow is melting slowly and the ground is still frozen. That is why I'm looking forward to leaving and returning when I can actually garden and go for walks without watching for mud and huge puddles and when I wash my truck, it may stay clean for more than one day.
I must have spring fever. I cannot seem to accomplish anything, yet start everything. And I feel like napping a lot, yet when I try, I'm not tired. I do take full advantage of dinner offers, theatre and the cinema though and on that note, went to the Arts Centre last night to watch Quartetto Gelato. Like Cynthia Steljes from the group says, Quartetto Gelato is from Toronto, and if you are not familiar with the word, Toronto is a Huron Indian word meaning City Everyone Loves to Hate. I was introduced to their music two years ago by Steve Gedrose (Rose Music) and have loved them ever since. They played a lot from their newest album "Quartetto Gelato Travels the Orient Express" (lots of Hungarian music in that one). My only regret was that Peter DeSotto had laryngitis and couldn't sing. If you have not heard of this quartet you can click here to connect to the Amazon site and when there, about 1/3 of the way down the page, you can listen to samples of their music.
Next, if you want a slow (boring) movie to watch (perhaps you can't sleep one night this will fix that) watch Capote. If you want a good movie to watch (and this suprised me) it is Inside Man.
That's about it from the north. Hope to talk next from the "old countries". Ciao.

1 comment:

Joe said...


Have a safe trip. Hope you can keep in touch with us from over there.

Talk to yu soon.