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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Family Weekend

Had the kids over for the first sleep-over in over two months!  (lots of "overs' in that first sentence!!)  We had a great time together, watching Paw Patrol (I tried to get them to watch one of my favourite movies, Paddington, but they really really didn't want to), eating (sometimes chocolate) and doing crafts.  I wish I had taken a photo of their Valentine's Day cards they made for Mamma and Daddy.  They worked so hard on making them beautiful.  Emerson did make three pictures for me though and above is one of them.  It is an Alien with spikes which helps to protect it from Dinosaurs trying to eat it.  It is now on my wall.

Sunday evening I was invited to their house for a roast beef dinner (which was absolutely delicious) and who was there as well but Auntie Em & Henrik, who is now sitting on his own and eating baby food.  He is still small enough to be sitting on the table. 

The table was set waiting for the Roast to come out while little Henrik was fed.  Emerson and Alanna had trouble waiting for dinner as well so they started early on their veggies.

Yes they were hungry and Emer couldn't even put his head up for a photo.  He was busy gulping down the avocado half he took from his plate.

Was a great weekend with the family even if it was a little cold ... -30C, so too cold for outdoor activities , but lots to do inside.

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