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Friday, June 29, 2018

The Weekend

The little ones slept overnight on Friday AND Saturday.  The first thing Emer goes for are his small cars.  And the first thing he does is lines them up in neat neat rows.
 Of course Alanna is interested also, after she dons her Princess clothes, always including tiara.

No matter where the cars are - on the floor or on the couch, they are lined up.

Alanna ADORES her princess slippers.  I asked if I could take a photo of her slippers and she posed with one foot slightly in from of the other.  She see nothing but beauty in shoes like these.

Of course, they are a bit large for her, but she doesn't notice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RE - the lining up of cars. Adam used to do something too - he would set up a city down in the recroom with his toys and jump up and down excited of his creation. I always told him he should be an urban planner. I love love love the shoes. Had some when I was little - rubby red. MJT