Our first snow falls. And fall it did. It was almost white-out conditions driving downtown. Snow plows were not yet on the road and the snow was coming down heavily, sometime being driven sideways by the wind. Yuk.
It was a heavy water laden snow and stuck to everything. It was bending the smaller trees down to the ground and dropping the branches of the larges trees down low.
Nearing my destination, I let a pedestrian cross the road to get them on their way. I picked up the dogs and they were ecstatic when they left the house to find the ground filled with white stuff.
Now I am hoping this blog works as yesterday afternoon a "third party" dug up the NorthwesTel communications line and cut off all phone, cell phone and internet connections to the north. By midnight we had phone services and about 1/3 power on internet as NWTel connected to a now defunct line until repairs on their fibre optics line were done.