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Friday, August 22, 2014

Finally ...

Emily (pictured above with Brooke) and I have been trying to arrange a Baby Shower for some time now but with Preemies, gall stones, medevacks to Vancouver etc., it has been delayed then delayed some more.  Finally we found a time when everyone was home and well (well, well enough, I just had dental surgery the evening before) so the shower was finally planned and executed - well before the twins went to University! (lots of "well"s in that sentence, but that is a good word to have lots of) Emily did a fine job with the invites (lots and lots of their friends attended), gifts of smoothies/meatballs for Brooke (which she is sampling in the above photo)  and wine (and I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot more that she did).  I couldn't have done it without her.  And Brooke is a great looking mother of twins.  

The babies were passed around and around.  They were happy to be constantly held and were definitely on their best behaviour.

Everyone loves a party including Emerson, who was awake for most of it.

As Emerson is cow milk protein intolerant, so no milk or milk products of any kind for Brooke, and as I'm wheat free and have packed most of my cake pans anyway, I decided to make a diaper cake.  Although you couldn't eat it, it was displayed on the food table anyway.  


Anonymous said...

Very creative CLR - DIAPER CAKE - BUT the newest picture when you open the blog stumps me. The hat looks like one purchased at the CNE or Kensington Market. The blonde hair ????? - any hints. I had to wonder that this was maybe the house off of Weston??? mjt

clr said...

One of my fave pics. Mary with the hat. Don't know where it came from but looks like it made her happy. The Cisco Kid was big back then. Perhaps it had something to do with that but in any case cowboys were really big. Look at the cowboy in the background too. (Also looks like Kramer is back there too). Yes I was blonde, just like SR both when young and darken as we aged. And again you are right, our old house by Weston Road.