Local Weather

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Spruce Bog

Spring is in the air when Spring Spruce Bog comes along. And it certainly is spring today. The water is running in rivers down the roads, cars are a muddy shade of grey with a windshield wiper wide view of the world, and the pristine snow roadside is an attractive black brown. Ah spring. I was happy to see Phyl is once again doing her pottery. A while back she had sold her kilns but now she is back at it. We went mid afternoon, a perfect time as the crowds had dissipated and we had plenty of room to look and chat. Even little Ella joined the craft fair shoppers although in her dreams I'm sure she was somewhere else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely grandchillen - Great to get out eh - Lots of things starting to SPRING UP! Funny you should show ceramics -I just got the puppies new bowls - the ones that they have been using were a couple that we bought tons of years ago up at Elora Gorge - Have fun my friend. - MJT.