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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another High Park Update

Here is the picture I thought I included in a previous blog. We did have a rest on this bench which is not far from the Grenadier Restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Carol, my girlfriend was able to access the web address for the slideshow which she forwarded to me and I got to see another 10 pics. pics.http://picasaweb.google.com/carolracz/Toronto2008/photo#5155444889156823666 - Thank you for explaining that these pics do not really look like me and Jenn - LOL! - Josh says to say hi to Caleb and remind him to 'whistle while he works'.

Anonymous said...

...Regarding 'Someone admires your beauty' - It's gotta be James Blunt. MJT

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the rice pudding recipe. MJT