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Saturday, January 31, 2015

To January 15, 2015

Hi, 'n HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I'm finally back.  Here's the scoop.  As you may or may not know I was sort of crippled after my foot surgery.  I could not drive with a huge air cast on my right foot, but after about a month I thought my foot felt good enough to attempt to drive.  I couldn't do it with a huge cast on my right foot so I had to figure out how to drive - wear air cast to driver's seat in car, take off air cast and put on a moccasin {I know you cannot drive in bare feet in Canada but haven't seen any ruling for a moccasin}, drive carefully as my foot is still quite sore, arrive at destination, take off moccasin and put on air cast, walk to wherever I am going and back to car, take off my air cast, put on my moccasin, drive carefully ..... -  it was all very tiring and very disillusioning.  Consequently, I did as little as possible.  Then SR talked me into travelling to Toronto with his family, departing on the 15th of January.  The paperwork I had from the hospital re recuperation stated the air cast could be removed on the 15th of January.  All right!!!!  Then my surgeon said to keep it on till the 15th of February.  In any case, my foot was feeling pretty good, I could walk quite well with the cast on so off I went.  And, wearing an air cast at the airport is a good thing.  People help you, move out of your way, give you lots of room etc etc.  (I may keep it for future travel).  

So down to YVR to connect to the flight SR and family were taking (the red-eye!!).  As I had time between flights I contacted my 'ol friend Bev.  She met me and we dined at the White Spot in the airport - yes all you White Spot lovers, there is now one in Vancouver Airport!!  We had an excellent meal and a good chat to catch up with one another.  

Then it was off to wait for SR.  Bev stayed to see SR and to meet the twins and Brooke.  I lost SR et al when passing through Security at the airport.  They went into the fast lane with the babies and all their paraphernalia and I was in the slow line with all the other people trying to get through to their gates.  I met up with them on the way to our gate.  

SR had a chat with another man who also had twins while Emerson was relaxing in his new stroller.
The flight went well, both babies slept for most of the flight and we arrived in Toronto at 6AM the next morning.

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