Local Weather

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Not a very interesting picture but one I took at 10:30 PM just to show you how much daylight we are now getting. We LOVE it!!!
Fox update: Found a letter taped to my door this morning. It was from my next door neighbour and read: We watched a fox in our backyard eating a squirrel and then he buried it in your nice veg. garden! So I looked in the garden this morning and sure enough, there was a raised portion in the shape of a squirrel grave. I dug it up, discarded the piece of squirrel and put wire meshing on the top of the garden. Hopefully my plants will grow through the meshing. Interestingly enough, while writing this, I looked out the window and there was the fox walking on top of the meshing. He quickly found he couldn't dig through to reach his buried prey, gave up and wandered over to the 6 foot fence which he jumped and continued his search in my other neighbour's yard. I must remember to keep my camera close by.

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