Local Weather

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My neighbour is a birder - in fact, his job is banding birds in Watson Lake. He predicted that soon, birds will flock to my mountain ash tree and pick it clean of berries. I watched the birds the other day clean up a tree across the street. It was amazing. The flock swarms down like a tornado, circles the tree then all of them fly away in one swarm. They flew away before I could get me camera and the tree was clean. Today was my turn. I did manage to get a few pictures before they left. Here is a berry eater I caught on film. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Terry&Michele said...

Hi Carol. Funny, my last 3 entries on our blog were about birds too. I really enjoy the cedar wax wings coming every fall on our may day by the dozenx, and picking it clean from berries, and decorating the snow underneath with red little marks!! Lovely. They don't stay long, but they are fun to watch!