Local Weather

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Middle of May

Spent the afternoon with the kiddos while Brooke planted some flowers/veggies/herbs.  It was another beautiful day.  As Siri said when I asked her what the weather was going to be like today she said SUN SUN SUN.  (She is so smart).  So, I put a little water in the pool and the kids got in.  The water was freezing cold but they didn't mind.  They were slipping and sliding and falling and getting up and doing it all over again and loving it.

They also helped Mom with the planting.  

Then came that very interesting garden hose.  They drank from it; they sprayed each other with it; they couldn't keep their little hands off of it.  SUMMER!  I hope this is just the beginning and that it won't end in a week, like it did last year.


Anonymous said...

Sweet images of the kiddos - do they have a trialer - I can see one in the photo of the nudies ??? mjt

Anonymous said...

humpfffff - I went to look for the spelling of trailer as I wondered if it was trailer or trailor and I spelt it TRIALer - oh well - mjt