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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Book Club Christmas

Here is our "official" BookClub Christmas photo - beside the Grinch tree.  Too bad we are missing one member, but we were all thinking of her.  Can you find the lucky pickle in this photo?  

We had a shout-out Christmas Quiz, the winners receiving fridge magnets with photos of previous book club meetings.  Here we are looking at all the magnets.

Our gift exchange theme this year was a gift starting with the letter "S".  We had a great variety of S gifts including:  Saskatoon Berry Pie Filling (homemade of course), Soap with a Scarlet Scrungie (sorry Meghan I couldn't remember all the S words you so cleverly put together), a knit Star decoration,  a Salsa dish and Spoon, direct from Mexico and Sunglasses that assist in finding those darned lost golf balls.  Guess who got the sunglasses!  It was great fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still the Queen Beaver