Local Weather

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I have had a few comments on my tardiness at updating my blog.  I do have reasons.  First and foremost, we have had SUMMER here - for the last THREE MONTHS.

Remember  when you were young and in public school and it was June and you couldn't wait for school to be through so you could enjoy the hot weather.  Then finally school is out and you are free to spend your days with your friends just playing in your sleeveless shirt and shorts - riding your bike, swimming at the local watering hole, playing baseball if you could round up enough people.  You were outside from dawn to dusk and summer seemed so very long.   Well, that is just the type of summer we have experienced and we cannot stop talking about it.  I, therefore, have spent my days out-doors and loving every minute of it.

But alas autumn follows summer and as of this week fall is in the air.  The temperatures have dropped slightly and it is threatening rain although I haven't seen too much of that so far.  Today we went out to the golf course and though it once again threatened rain, we were spared.  The above photo shows our drives, both excellently placed on the fairway.  I took the photo as I was so pleased that our drives were long, straight, and not in the bush.  (Oh, it doesn't take much to make me happy!).

Then it was off for a coffee at the Bike Shop that houses Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters.  A lovely way to spend a morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are neat - mjt