Not much to report from the northern front. Now that I am a paid worker once again (until the end of December anyway) I am having to squish what I did throughout the day into the night time hours or a weekend. But, alas, being a paid daytime worker, I now know when a long weekend comes upon us and the first one is Thanksgiving. (Of course, I would have known that weekend in any case as 26 years ago Thanksgiving Day I had a baby - something one cannot forget). So, we have already celebrated the birthday (Happy Birthday son!!!!) and today I will have a Thanksgiving Dinner and am looking forward to the turkey and all the fixin's that someone else is preparing (appreciate the invite Nancy!).
This Thanksgiving comes at an appropriate time considering the economic plunge we are currently experiencing. This weekend, we should think of the things we still have and give thanks, not what we have lost and despair. It is often the little things that make life a joy and I have many of them in my life - a wonderful son, many good supportive friends, strong and binding family relations, good health, opportunities that comes my way whether I take advantage of them or not, a roof over my head (so far anyway), and food in my belly to name a few. We often take for granted things we have that people in other parts of the world suffer without regardless of the economic conditions. I enjoy laughter every day, freedom of thought and actions and the pride of being Canadian. I am not rich money-wise, but I am rich in the things that make life fulfilling, and for that I give thanks.
To all of you Happy Thanksgiving!!