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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My sister told me to go onto You Tube to see Paolo Nutini. I did, then You Tubed a bit more and found this - and I promise it is the last one I put on for a while! If you remember, SR & I went to see James Blunt in Edmonton (see the slide show in the side bar) a while back. I made him take his small camera and take pictures (although the tickets said no cameras). He did as I asked and did it all without a flash so we wouldn't be caught. I have currently been listening to Blunt's new album which I like a lot, but had to smile when I came across this, which aired on August 31st, 2007 on Sesame Street. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Dawson thought it was so funny. He wondered if you danced just like Telli(the monster)?

Anonymous said...

I was soooooo pleased when I clicked on this and it actually worked on my old Mac - very cute - Keep em coming Carol - I go on your site everyday just to keep in touch. I was glad that this one opened and then went in to watch the rest of them on your site. - Today is rainy and most of the snow will melt. I am just creating a bookcover with transfer paper - I hope it works. Walter phoned Linda and had a nice chat with her.MJT