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Monday, August 28, 2006

Who let the dog out??? who-who-who-who???It all started at 12:24 AM. I heard noises coming from the garden below my bedroom. I knew who it would be. This skittish husky has been visiting the hole he dug to get under my deck since my arrival a year ago. I thought I'd be smart this time and put the hose trolley over the hole - I ran downstairs with the camera and flashed some pictures of him trying to enlarge the hole under the trolley. I scared him away. 1:30 AM, the noise starts up again and again I run downstairs and again he is scared away. 2:30 AM, 3:30 AM the same thing. 4:30 AM I am finally asleep and he comes again. This time, I don't get up, but listen - he barks in frustration. I let him bark. 8:30 AM he barks and wakes me. I grab the camera, go downstairs (finally I can take a picture of him in the light) and find NO DOG, but a NEW hole dug beside the hose trolley! Why is it so important that he must get under my deck?? What is under there?? I may never know. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Thoughts on the dog - It appears to me that he really wants you to know that there is something under there - even more mysterious is when I try to enlarge the picture which every one of your pictures did since you started the blog ...the last two were 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch ....mmmmm... I see this as you can't see it but its there. Just what is there is a mystery - I will rethink this and get back to you. MJT

Anonymous said...

I found this - Siberian Huskies and other sled dog breeds dig because of their instinct to burrow in snow. But the most common reason for digging is social isolation and extreme boredom. Dogs left to fend for themselves in the yard-lacking both human and canine companionship-often suffer frustration anxiety that manifests itself in digging or chewing.
- Could be a sign of lots of snow this winter but most likely it is just that he senses a kind person living there and his own owners are neglecting him.