Local Weather

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Last Saturday of September

Last Saturday in September.   Watching my soccer game and look out the window.  SNOW.  My neighbours are having a garage sale so I look over to their house and there is Brianna making a snowman.

And considering the amount of snow, she made a pretty good one too.  Wonder how successful their garage sale was?

So I put on a fire and settle in to watch the rest of the football game (Manchester United won 3-0! and they are now sitting on the top of the table - yeah!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Twinsit Tuesdays

My twinsitting has been moved to Tuesdays, now that daycare is in the picture.  And they are both walking now.  They are growing up quickly it seems.

I took out my camera and Alanna ran in front of me and gave me a big smile.  How could I not take her picture.

They seem to be learning a lot in day care - going there 2-1/2 days a week.  Emerson now pushes his trucks around the house.

Of course, there is still a lot to learn.  Like,  you can do a lot with books, but eating is not one of them.

And windows have many uses too, but once again, eating is not one of them.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fall Time

Off to Carcross today.  It was sunny when we left - 40% chance of rain.  I know from experience that that means 100% chance of rain and it wasn't long before we had to take off our sunglasses and put on rain coats.  Well, really it wasn't that bad.  Just hit a few sprinkles but the fall colours are always more brilliant in the sunshine.

Above:  a mountain side while the sun was shining for a few minutes.

Travelled 26 Km down the Annie Lake Road to the Wheaton River.  Just past that bridge the road looks as if it becomes a 4x4 road, so we stopped there.

Then it was down the Carcross Road.  The scenery was spectacular considering the dull day.  Fall is my favourite time of year.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Friday, September 4

Yup, they were right.  That glorious day is over.  Today, more drizzle all day - grey and cold - 7 degrees C at 3 in the afternoon.  Yuck!

Thursday, September 3rd

Finally !!!! Looked out my kitchen window and saw the top of Haeckel Hill.  Maybe not exactly what I wanted to see though.  August had a record amount of rain.  (Of course it did - it rained every day didn't it??).  The average monthly amount fell in the last two days alone.  And our temperatures are suppose to be in the double digits and for the last week we were happy to see 7 degrees C.  But today - Oh what a day.  So I put on my shoes and went for a walk.

I was trying to get to a path in the bush that I like to walk and took some short cuts and stumbled upon this.  Lisa and John, you would have liked this.  An Adult Fitness Centre with a Child's Playground in the the back.  Kate could have had fun and you could have had fun too.  So I stopped for a bit here.

 After a bit of exercise, I moved on.

Ah, found the trail I was looking for.

The sun was brilliant, shining through the trees.  (I should have had some dogs with me to exercise them.  They would have loved being here)

And each mountain I saw was white capped.

This lovely weather was suppose to last ONE DAY.  So, when I returned home, I washed my windows outside and packed away most of my outdoor furniture and garden things.  Only a couple of chairs left out in case the weather does warm up one day and I can sit outside.  Look at the temperature at 3 in the afternoon (in the sunshine).  It might just as well have been 40 degrees it felt so hot and so glorious.