7 more working days left at the Government - ask me if I'm happy! In fact, people say they have not seen me happier, so I guess leaving the Government job is good for me. SR just came into town - right this minute in fact - to pick up Tara at the airport. Finally I'll get to meet this girl I have only seen pictures of. When I meet her, I'll take a picture and put it on this site.
Weather still fairly good. Warm but partially overcast with the occasional rain. Golfed last night and it threatened rain and indeed did rain for as long as you can say "did I feel a drop?" Then it was beautiful.
Received an email from Aunt Liz in Hungary. Everyone is doing fine. They were going out for dinner - a slap of bacon on a stick, stuck into an open fire and the drippings dripped onto a piece of rye bread with chopped green onions on top. I really do remember eating that in my youth - and it was delicious, but not very heart smart. Sounds like they are having a "Hungarian" time there.
Must go to check the Air North flight arrival time, so I have to get off the web. Just wanted to download a couple of picture. Until next time...